Should I take an omega 3 food supplement? 4 surprising benefits of omega 3 and how to boost your levels effectively

Should I take an omega 3 food supplement? 4 surprising benefits of omega 3 and how to boost your levels effectively cover

Did you know that fish oil has been used as a health supplement since Roman times? In the 8th century, people were obsessed with a fish-based oil called Garum, made from rotting fish guts mixed with salt – lovely! They swore by Garum to treat everything from migraine, to constipation, coughs, and even as an anti-aging face cream! Those Romans were on to something though, because using fish oil to boost health is still hugely popular today. An omega 3 food supplement remains one of the world's favourite vitamins, consumed by over a third of all adults in the US alone.

While you're unlikely to reach for omega 3 to treat a headache nowadays, many people take it for the renowned beneficial effect it can have on cardiovascular health, brain, and memory, and for protecting your eyes and joints as you get older. But that's not all this versatile supplement has to offer. Research has shown omega 3 could also help guard against oxidative stress, reduce allergy symptoms, and even help you fight off flu.

And fortunately for you, there's no need to get yours from fermented fish intestines! There's a whole host of omega 3 supplements available now, but watch out – the type of ingredients various omega 3 supplements contain and how effective they are can vary wildly. Here's why:

What's inside an omega 3 food supplement?

Your body can't make omega 3 and unless you're eating a hefty amount of oily fish each week (2-3 portions), you're likely to be lacking in omega 3. Adults in the UK and US have the lowest levels in the world! So unless you're a mega fish fan (and can afford how pricey fish is becoming), adding an omega 3 supplement into your routine is a simple way to top up.

When you take omega 3 you want to boost your levels the three fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids are essential for good health and for our bodies to function well, particularly for keeping your vision and brain tip top (DHA), protecting your heart (EPA), and reducing inflammation (ALA). You should always make sure your supplement contains decent amounts of these three. Research suggests an intake of 250mg EPA and DHA per day is ideal to reap the most health benefits.

Flip over your omega 3 food supplement pack and you'll see ingredients including ethyl esters, triglycerides, reformed triglycerides, free fatty acids, and phospholipids. Ethyl esters are one of the most common forms of omega 3 on the market but aren't ideal because your body doesn't absorb them as well as other types. One of our favourite health gurus, Dr Rhonda Patrick says you need to take ethyl esters with a high-fat meal if you want them to work- not great if you're trying to reduce your cholesterol levels. While triglycerides and phospholipids are more bioavailable, the amount of EPA, ALA, and DHA in each formulation can vary substantially – so always check the label.

What's the best way to take an omega 3 food supplement?

Because of the huge variability in how well different types of fish oil are absorbed by your body, you can see that taking an oral omega 3 food supplement doesn't always guarantee you'll increase your levels substantially.

Plus, a recent investigation by the Guardian showed that 1 in 10 oral fish oil supplements actually contained rancid fish! This can cause a strong, unpleasant fishy smell and taste (yuck!). But more worryingly, studies have shown that oxidised fish capsules like this can have a negative impact on cholesterol levels.

With this in mind, we'd recommend swerving oral supplements altogether and trying an omega-3 patch instead. Our Omega 3 Plus patch contains the magic essential fatty acids EPA, ALA, & DHA, delivered directly into your bloodstream via the skin. No more worrying about how well the fatty acids have been absorbed, and the peace of mind the good stuff is getting to where you need it most – phew! Using a patch also avoids the dreaded fishy aftertaste that many fish oil supplements have. You won't have to swallow bulky pills, that some people struggle with digesting. Plus, you can wave goodbye to (there's no polite way to put this) fishy burps for hours afterwards – excuse you!

Now you know the most effective way to get your omega 3. What kind of benefits could you gain from taking it?

1. Improved heart and cardiovascular health:

When you take Omega 3 those wonder fatty acids EPA, DHA, and ALA get to work reducing triglycerides, a type of fat in your blood. This helps to both lower your cholesterol levels and slow down the buildup of plaque, which can harden and block your arteries. In turn, reducing your risk of a stroke or other ischemic events,

Omega 3 has also been linked to a lower risk of developing irregular heart arrhythmias and helps to bring down blood pressure. So it's perhaps no wonder that studies have shown taking Omega-3 regularly can reduce your risk of premature cardiovascular death by as much as 25 percent! In one large piece of research, the data suggested it was primarily marine-derived fatty acids – like those found in our Omega 3 Plus patch – that were responsible for lowering the risk. Backing up the idea that its fish oil (rather than oil from algae found is vegan formulas), that's most effective if you decide to take an omega 3 food supplement.

2. Turn back the clock on aging:

Omega 3 fatty acids could be the real-life fountain of youth – thanks to the positive effect they have on telomeres – part of your DNA strands. Telomeres protect against the loss of genetic information within the DNA when you make new cells, but as you get older telomeres become shorter. This means they can't continue to replicate efficiently, resulting in a range of age-related physical and mental diseases.

But guess what? Research has shown that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids can help slow telomere shortening! The same studies also showed a decrease in both oxidative stress and inflammation in people who took an omega 3 food supplement. Together these three issues make a substantial contribution to age-related illness. If omega 3 can reduce them all, it really could help to put the brakes on aging!

3. You can improve allergy symptoms with an omega-3 food supplement:

Fed up with a runny nose and wheezing? Omega 3 can also help reduce allergy and asthma symptoms, thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation and support the immune system. Research suggests this is because the fatty acids inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory molecules in the body, such as cytokines and eicosanoids. If your body can't make as many of these, the inflammatory response associated with allergies is dampened down which means less symptoms – hurrah!

Studies have also shown that Omega-3 fatty acids can also reduce the production of IgE antibodies, which trigger allergic reactions. So it's well worth popping on our handy Omega 3 patch( or taking an omega-3 food supplement) ahead of the spring when allergy symptoms can spike.

4. Always ill? Omega-3 can help to see off sickness and reduce symptoms:

Swear by vitamin C or zinc to keep you healthy during flu season? Add an omega 3 food supplement or patch to your arsenal too. Studies have shown that Omega 3s increase the activity of phagocytes—cells that fight bugs by eating up bacteria. But that's not all, if you're already sick then taking a high dose of omega-3 could prevent it from becoming more serious. Research shows that omega 3s can increase airflow to the lungs and reduce inflammation, lessening the risk of your cold developing into a lung infection.

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